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篇名 整合型知識管理架構應用於陸軍聯合測考中心之研究
卷期 24:1
並列篇名 The Study on the Application of Integrated Knowledge Management System Architecture on the Army Training Center
作者 朱慧德吳玉樹
頁次 001-014
關鍵字 知識管理網際網路領域專家Knowledge ManagementTank-firing Training Knowledgeintegrated Knowledge ManagementSystem Architecture
出刊日期 200305


因應國軍精實案的執行,因而造成組織結構的改變以及人員的精簡,然而工作流程並未有所調整或 是簡化,使得人員的工作負荷增加,造成離職率增加,經驗無法有效傳承,促使知識的加速流失。演習 及訓練是部隊保持及精進戰力的重要手段,亦是軍事組織將知識實際運作的具體表現。因此,陸軍總部 每一年投入相當多的經費與資源在測考中心,使部隊能夠在資源充分支援下接受訓練。然而,測考中心 長久以來只是將訓練成果彙整成書面報告,而未能將每梯次的部隊訓練所產生的新知識與經驗,透過資 訊技術予以累積;並且未能有效的將訓練所得之相關的數據及參數予以分析、比較及儲存,找出最佳的 訓練數據,以提昇部隊訓練成效。本文旨在將知識管理的理論導入測考中心,將中心之測考規定、射擊 訓練以及戰鬥教練課程内容及各種狀況處置程序,以個案經驗或是法則的方式,透過資訊技術結合軍事 網路,來建立一個整合型訓練知識管理系統,提供南、北測考中心使用,並將基訓部隊在基地訓練期間 所應獲得及所產生之訓練知識與經驗,做一個有效的管理,以提昇測考中心之訓練品質,並使訓練經驗 與知識能夠做有效傳承與累積。


Recently, Knowledge Management has been a popular subject discussed by industrialists and scholars. According to Peter F. Drucker, a master of management, knowledge will replace cost and the size of an organization is no longer a competitive factor but the knowledge workers. Paul H.J Hendrisks mentioned that without knowledge, an organization cannot exist. To keep the military knowledge passing down, is a very important job for the organization. Military training knowledge and related experience is accumulated through the experienced military seniors. Based on Information System (IT ) , the structure of this paper consists of three elements of Knowledge Worker, Knowledge Activities and Knowledge Repository to build ,a Knowledge Management System Architecture and fit into the military units in the environment of Military Nets. Finally, the test and training knowledge of Army Training Center will be example to give a full illustration of the Army Training Center operation-flow. It is hoped that with Knowledge Management System Architecture, we may set up a knowledge sharing and learning environment of the Military Nets.
