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篇名 二十一世紀臺灣青少年性別角色態度之形成與變遷
卷期 58
並列篇名 The Gender-Role Attitudes Construction from Adolescence to Young Adulthood in the 21th Century’s Taiwan
作者 呂玉瑕周玉慧
頁次 095-155
關鍵字 性別角色態度青少年社會化處境論成長曲線模型gender-role attitudesadolescentssocializationsituational perspectiveslatent growth-curve modelMEDLINETSSCI
出刊日期 201512




Using data from a panel survey of Taiwanese youth conducted between 2000 and 2011, we investigate the formation of adolescents’ gender-role attitudes, and the stability and change in attitudes during their transition to adulthood based on socialization and situational theories. Our data indicate that adolescent attitudes are increasingly egalitarian compared to those held by adults. According to latent growth models, socialization exerts a significant effect on adolescent attitudes, but with significant differences between females and males. Further, we found that parental attitudes are central to the formation of attitudes among both young females and males, with family cultural contexts as better predictors than parental role modeling as adolescents age. Last, the findings suggest that current life situation is a better predictor of adolescent gender-role attitudes than family background during the transition to adulthood. The long-term influences of early family socialization on the adolescents’ attitudes are discussed.
