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篇名 臺灣人民常見的法律紛爭類型:城鄉差異、人口及社經特性
卷期 58
並列篇名 The Justiciable Problems of Everyday Life: Urbanization, Demographic and Social Economic Characteristics
作者 林常青陳恭平黃國昌賴宏彬
頁次 157-190
關鍵字 紛爭解決問題類型普遍率遭遇率dispute resolutionjusticiable problemsrate of incidenceprevalence of problemMEDLINETSSCI
出刊日期 201512




Data from the 2011 Taiwan Civil Justice Survey is used to empirically investigate the relationship between the justiciable problems that Taiwanese citizens encounter on a daily basis and their demographic backgrounds. After creating ten problem categories, we computed the incidence and prevalence of each one and looked for correlations between each category and the demographic characteristics of the individuals encountering it. Due to the similarities in cultural values, social background, and geographic location between Taiwan and Japan, we compared our findings for those two countries. We also investigated the roles of legal seriousness and perceptions of the importance of problem resolution in the relationship.
