
臺大佛學研究 THCI

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篇名 《大乘莊嚴經論》的兩種唯識三性說模型
卷期 30
並列篇名 Two Models for the Theory of Three Natures in the Mahāyānasūtrâlaṃkāra
作者 耿晴
頁次 001-063
關鍵字 《 大乘莊嚴經論》三性說單層結構雙層結構《辯中邊論》MahāyānasūtrâlaṃkāraTheory of Three Naturessinglelayer modeldouble-layer modelMadhyântavibhāgaTHCI
出刊日期 201512




This paper begins with a criticial review of the scholarly discussions of the Theory of Three Natures (trisvabhāva-nirdeśa) in the Mahāyānasūtrâlaṃkāra. I then give a brief introduction to the two different models for the Theory of Three Natures, i.e., the single-layer vs. the double-layer model. With the distinction in mind, I carefully examine the verses in the Mahāyānasūtrâlaṃkāra and conclude that the sixth chapter implicitly supports the single-layer model whereas the eleventh chapter explicitly endorses the double-layer model. A similar situation, as I have argued, also appears in the Madhyântavibhāga (verses only): there the fi rst chapter supports the singled-layer model but the third chapter maintains the double-layer one. Different from other scholars’ opinions, I argue that even the double-layer model does not necessarily entail that the dependent nautre is ultimately pure and hence needs not be eliminated. In fact, I argue that throughout the whole Mahāyānasūtrâlaṃkāra (verses only) and the Mahāyānasūtrâlaṃkāra-bhāṣya the notion of “ultimately pure dependent nature” is nowhere found. Finally, based on the two clues— i.e., there are two different models for the Three of Three Natures and that the Mahāyānasaṃgraha is inconsistent when quoting from Mahāyānasūtrâlaṃkāra—, I suggest that our current version of the Mahāyānasūtrâlaṃkāra (verses only) should be viewed as a multilayered text, consisting of older and newer strata.
