
臺大佛學研究 THCI

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篇名 蘇曼殊文學作品中的佛教思想
卷期 30
並列篇名 Revealing the Buddhist Thoughts in Mandju’s Compositions
作者 潘啟聰
頁次 161-218
關鍵字 蘇曼殊佛教思想六記詩歌雜文Mandju SoBuddhist thoughtspoemsnovelsessaysTHCI
出刊日期 201512




This article intends to reveal Buddhist thoughts in Mandju So’s (1884-1918) compositions. This seems to be a very simple question, however, there are fierce debates among the researchers about the answer. Some researchers said that Mandju knew nothing about Buddhism, not to mention that his compositions have any Buddhist teachings; some researchers said that Mandju focused too much on the Dukkha, but not the relieve of suffering, and this was shown in his poems; some researchers said that in Mandju’s novel, although the characters always struggle among love and religious faith, they always refuge in the Buddha finally. This is unlike what we say multiple perspectives in understand a person, and when it blossoms, we have deeper understanding towards Mandju. Most of the conclusions we can see now are mutually exclusive, and the disputes are still concerning some very basic topics. Such phenomenon takes us away from having true understanding of him. After reviewing the researches of Mandju So concerning the topic of Buddhist thoughts in his composition, the author found that the disputes came from the fact that researchers usually focused on only one part of Mandju’s compositions, maybe poems, maybe novels, maybe essays. Thus, it turns out that their conclusions were heavily infl uenced by what they had studied, but not accurately revealing what Mandju’s compositions really were. With the research objective in responding to this present problem, through careful investigation of Mandju’s compositions of all kinds, this article tries to give a clear answer to this question: Do Mandju So’s compositions consist of Buddhist thoughts of any kind? The answer is straight forward: Yes, they do!
