
護理雜誌 MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 粉塵之燃燒、爆炸與安全防護—以八仙樂園事件為例
卷期 63:1
並列篇名 Protecting Safety During Dust Fires and Dust Explosions – The Example of the Formosa Fun Coast Water Park Accident
作者 謝明宏吳家汶李雅晴唐嘉穗謝濬謙
頁次 005-011
關鍵字 彩色玉米粉塵爆預防與控制colored cornstarch powderdust explosionprevention and controlMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201602
DOI 10.6224/JN.63.1.5




This paper will explore the fire and explosion characteristics of cornstarch powder as well as strategies for protecting the safety of people who are involved a dust fire or dust explosion. We discuss the 5 elements of dust explosions and conduct tests to analyze the fire and explosion characteristics of differently colored powders (yellow, golden yellow, pink, purple, orange and green). The results show that, while all of the tested powders were difficult to ignite, low moisture content was associated with significantly greater risks of ignition and flame spread. We found the auto-ignition temperature (AIT) of air-borne cornstarch powder to be between 385℃ and 405℃, with yellow-colored cornstarch powder showing the highest AIT and pink-colored cornstarch powder showing the lowest AIT. The volume resistivity of all powder samples was approximately 108 Ω.m, indicating that they were nonconductive. Lighters and cigarettes are effective ignition sources, as their lit temperatures are higher than the AIT of cornstarch powder. In order to better protect the safety of individuals at venues where cornstarch powder is released, explosion control measures such as explosion containment facilities, vents, and explosion suppression and isolation devices should be installed. Furthermore, employees that work at these venues should be better trained in explosion prevention and control measures. We hope this article is a reminder to the public to recognize the fire and explosion characteristics of flammable powders as well as the preventive and control measures for dust explosions.
