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篇名 迎向生命的曙光—淺談八仙塵爆事件
卷期 63:1
並列篇名 Entering the Dawn of a New Life: A Discussion of Life for Survivors of the Formosa Fun Coast Water Park Explosion
作者 溫慧敏
頁次 017-021
關鍵字 重度燒傷燒傷復健期major burnburnrehabilitation periodMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201602
DOI 10.6224/JN.63.1.17


八仙水上樂園粉塵爆炸事件造成近五百人遭受到 火焰燒傷,其中有多達百位全身燒傷面積超過 20%的重度燒傷病人,北部各醫院承載了台灣有 史以來最多人數的大量燒傷病人,醫院投入了許 多的人力物力,全國各方也提供支援與協助。此 次的燒傷病人多是正值青春年華十幾二十幾歲的 年輕人,如此重大的燒傷,使他們需面對生命的 威脅與挑戰,產生生理、心理與社會的健康問 題,一連串的醫療處置,如清創、植皮、換藥 與復健等,引發疼痛、皮膚缺損造成身體心像的 改變、肢體活動功能障礙、無助、悲傷、焦慮 等都使這些燒傷病人的身心遇到莫大的衝擊,家 屬陪伴的過程中,也產生重重的壓力,需給予 心理支持、適當的情緒發洩與適當的解釋。歷經 重度燒傷的急性期、恢復期與復健期,燒傷病 人漸漸恢復,但也即將面對出院後漫長復健路的 生活考驗,希望這些傷者能帶著年輕人的勇氣與 堅強,勇敢的面對生活上艱難的挑戰,迎向他 ( 她)們的希望人生,迎向生命的曙光。


A dust explosion at the Formosa Fun Coast water park in Taiwan caused nearly 500 burn injury cases. One hundred of these cases involved burns over more than 20% of the total body surface area. This tragedy inundated hospitals across northern Taiwan with an unprecedented number of burn patients. Significant manpower and medical resources were targeted on related resuscitation and treatment efforts, with support and assistance provided by agencies and organizations nationwide. Most of the burn patients were young people in their teens and twenties, whose severe burns posed the greatest threat and challenge to their lives so far. Furthermore, their experience presented major psychosocial and physical health challenges. Patients received an array of clinical treatments such as debridement, skin grafting, dressing, and rehabilitation. Debilitating pain, skin damage, changes to body image, physical disabilities, helplessness, sadness, and anxiety have not only deeply affected the patients physically and psychologically but also created significant life stresses for their family members / companions, which requires counseling in order to facilitate emotional healing. Although burn patients gradually recover as they pass through the acute, recovery, and rehabilitation phases, they will face the challenges of lifelong rehabilitation after discharge. I hope that these young victims will take courage and be brave and strong in dealing with the difficulties and challenges of daily life and will embrace the future with hope as they enter the dawn of their new life.

