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篇名 我是職能治療師,燒傷復健路上我陪你
卷期 63:1
並列篇名 I Am an Occupational Therapist. I Will Accompany You Through the Process of Burn Rehabilitation
作者 陳生松
頁次 042-048
關鍵字 燒燙傷職能治療復健burnsoccupational therapyrehabilitation.MEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201602
DOI 10.6224/JN.63.1.42




Burn injuries nearly always occur by accident. Burn injuries that cover large areas of the body typically cause hypertrophic scarring and joint contractures that affect the ability of the burn patient to handle normal activities of daily living. Occupational therapists begin the related interventions as early as possible, and patients require rehabilitation continuously until scar maturation. The present article provides an overview of the approach that occupational therapists should take in treating burn patients. Key elements of this approach include creating a burn rehabilitation program and helping patients achieve independence in their activities of daily living by applying individual assistive devices. The goal of this program is to allow burn patients to return to the workplace and to a normal life. We hope that this article makes more specialists aware of the proper approach to occupational therapy for burn patients and reduces the incidence of post-burn-injury sequelae.

