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篇名 體感式電玩介入對慢性思覺失調症病人健康體適能之成效
卷期 63:1
並列篇名 The Effects of a Biosensing Game on the Physical Health-Related Fitness of Chronic Schizophrenic Patients
作者 吳玉茹蔡芸芳吳文正王鐘賢
頁次 049-058
關鍵字 慢性思覺失調症病人健康體適能介入研究chronic schizophrenic patientshealth-related fitnessintervention studyMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201602
DOI 10.6224/JN.63.1.49


背 景慢性思覺失調症病人體重過重的問題相當普遍,但目前仍缺乏有效且方便的運動介入措施。 目 的本研究旨在探討體感式電玩遊戲介入對慢性思覺失調症病人健康體適能的成效。 方 法以新北市某精神專科醫院兩間復健病房為收案場所,採簡單隨機取樣,實驗組病人接受十二週體感 式電玩遊戲介入;對照組病人則維持一般護理常規。研究工具包括個人基本資料表及體位測量器, 並以健康體適能項目的心肺耐力、肌耐力、柔軟度、以及身體組成(包括:身體質量指數、腰臀圍 比及體脂肪)作為評估指標。 結 果共有實驗組35人,對照組35人完成本研究。經由體感式電玩遊戲介入後,兩組在體重(t = 6.07, p < .01)、身體質量指數(t = 5.79, p < .01)及臀圍(t = 2.87, p < .05)前後測的改變量達顯著差異,且實驗 組優於對照組。 結 論/ 實務應用 本研究發現為期十二週的體感式電玩遊戲介入有助於對慢性思覺失調症病人改善健康體適能,尤其 在體重、身體質量指數及臀圍的方面。未來可做為精神障礙機構推展改善慢性思覺失調症病人健康 體適能方案之參考。


Background: Being overweight is a common problem among chronic schizophrenic patients. However, these patients lack related exercise interventions that are both effective and convenient. Purpose: To explore the effects of a biosensing game intervention on the health-related fitness of chronic schizophrenic patients. Method: Two rehabilitation wards at a psychiatric hospital in New Taipei City were selected as the study sites. Simple random sampling was used to recruit participants. Participants in the experimental group received a 12-week biosensing game intervention, while participants in the control group received routine nursing care only. The study instruments included a demographic data sheet and anthropometric measurements. In addition, health-related fitness variables including cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition (e.g., body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio, and body fat) were used as outcome indicators. Results: A total of 35 patients participated in the experimental group and 35 patients participated in the control group. The results showed that the mean differences between the pre-test and post-test values for body weight (t = 6.07, p < .01), BMI (t = 5.79, p < .01), and waist-hip ratio (t = 2.87, p < .05) differed significantly, with the experimental group performing better than the control group on all three indicators. Conclusions / Implications for Practice: The results indicate that this 12-week intervention holds the potential to help chronic schizophrenic patients improve their health-related fitness, especially in terms of body weight, BMI, and waist-hip ratio. This study may be used as a reference for the promotion of health-related fitness programs in psychiatric institutes in the future.
