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篇名 門診跟診人員工作壓力事件困擾程度、生理數值與生活品質之相關性
卷期 63:1
並列篇名 The Association of the Disturbed Degree of Job Stressful Events, Physical Data and Quality of Life in Allied Personnel of Outpatient Department
作者 蔣玉滿郭美玲王淑惠黃珊李易蓁
頁次 068-077
關鍵字 工作壓力事件生理數值生活品質門診job stressful eventsphysical dataquality of lifeoutpatient.MEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201602
DOI 10.6224/JN.63.1.68


背 景在門診醫療服務傳遞的過程中,跟診人員與病人的互動接觸會影響病人對醫療服務品質的評值。門 診跟診人員每日需要服務大量病人,經常面對許多壓力源,進而造成生理與心理的不平衡,影響生 活品質。 目 的探討門診跟診人員(包括護理人員及事務員)工作壓力事件困擾程度、生理數值與生活品質之關聯性。 方 法本研究採取橫斷式研究,以結構式問卷及生理數值檢測進行資料收集。研究對象是南部某醫學中心 門診跟診人員,有效問卷141份,回收率88.1%。 結 果門診跟診人員的收縮壓差異或舒張壓差異愈大與工作壓力事件造成的困擾程度愈大,其自覺生活品 質表現愈差。而且工作內容或醫院內部造成的壓力困擾對門診跟診人員生活品質的影響,遠大於病 人或外界施予壓力對生活品質的影響。 結 論本研究結果提供醫療機構與護理管理相關部門針對工作壓力事件擬定改善策略之參考,共同維護並 提升門診跟診人員之生活品質。


Background: Interactions between allied personnel and patients that occur during the provision of healthcare services may affect patient evaluations of the quality of medical care received. The many patients served and stresses faced every day by allied personnel may disturb their physical and psychological health and negatively affect their quality of life. Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore the association among stressful job-related events, physical data, and quality of life in allied personnel who work in outpatient departments. Methods: This cross-sectional study used structured questionnaires and physical-data tests. The participants were recruited from a medical center in southern Taiwan. A total of 141 valid questionnaires were obtained, with a response rate of 88.1%. Result: Larger differences between systolic and diastolic blood pressure and greater disturbed feelings toward stressful events were both associated with poorer quality of life in participants. Furthermore, the internal stressors related to the context of job and hospital sites impacted the quality of life of participants more than the external stressors related to patients or outsiders. Conclusion: The results of the present study may serve as a reference for nursing departments in medical institutions to establish contingency strategies for job stressful events and to enhance and promote the quality of life of allied personnel working in outpatient departments.
