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篇名 作戰參數資料庫安全機制之研究:以匿名資訊分享爲基礎
卷期 29:2
並列篇名 A Security Scheme for Combat Parameter Database —based on Anonymous Information Sharing
作者 陳正鎔尹延齡林文彬洪有志
頁次 063-070
關鍵字 ElGamal 數位簽章群體數位簽章NTRUElGamal Digital SignatureGroup Digital Signature
出刊日期 200811


隨著資訊科技的日新月異,因應海峽兩岸正邁入高科技作戰型態以及詭譎多變的國 際情勢發展,正視國軍資訊系統安全機制之研究,實爲當前刻不容緩的議題。相對而 言,戰場狀況瞬息萬變,建置三軍網絡化共享參數資料庫,整合三軍聯合作戰C4ISR指 管通資情監偵之整體戰力,始能發揮統合戰力於無形。然國軍作戰參數數據庫爲三軍聯 合作戰演訓之實戰經驗,參數資料除考量更新效能外,更應具備機密性、正確性、完整 性、不可否認性以及情報蒐集者之身份隱密性。因之,本文導入群體簽章系統安全性, 建置匿名資訊分享與分析機制,可有效降低資訊提供者身份曝光疑慮,確保個人隱私 權。且透過群體中的管理者(group manager)統籌產生及分配合法成員私密金錄,可充分 追蹤簽署來源降低資安事件發生。再者,NTRU(N-th degree truncated polynomial ring)密 碼系統深具商業化發展潛能,其快速運算能力更具數位化軍事作戰優勢,故本文進一步 探討NTRU多項式數位簽章,並與其相較,藉此彰顯本簽章機制兼具安全與效率,進而 提供爾後導入其加解密系統之先驅。


The ROC army has been involved in the applications of military simulation. Along with the development of war game models, we have to provide parameter values for weapons and performance indexes for engaged entities in the model. Therefore, there is a need to build a parameter database to support the modeling procedures. The share of parameters should conform to the general requirements for data security: secrecy, anonymity, integrity, authenticity, protection and unlinkability. By means of Group Digital Signature we propose an algorithm to realize anonymous information sharing among users of parameter database. The group manager is in charge of generating and distributing private keys for all authorized users of parameter database so that he or she can trace the source of every signature to inhibit any event that violates data security requirements. We also compare our algorithm with NTRU, a well-known multinomial digital signature, on the levels of security and computing time complexity and find that our algorithm is more efficient in the respect of verification scheme on encryption and decryption signature.
