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篇名 劉完素宣明論方治病思想之研究
卷期 17:4
並列篇名 Thought Treatment of the book of Xuan Ming Lun Fang by Liu Wan-Su
作者 陳貞如陳立德陳榮洲
頁次 001-014
關鍵字 劉完素宣明論方六氣病治病思想辛苦寒法Liu Wan-SuXuan Ming Lun FangSix Qi DiseaseThought TreatmentAcrid- Bitter-Cold Method
出刊日期 201512


劉完素所著宣明論方書內容分為兩大部分,第一部份為諸證門,第二部份共十七門, 包含六氣病五門〈風門、熱門、傷寒門、水濕門、燥門〉及非六氣病十二門。本書劉完 素首創內經六十二病證病機理論及治法方藥,並不以寒涼瀉火為治病宗旨。其於六氣病 提出辛苦寒法的治療法則。其闡釋風論與熱論同是風熱病的病理表現不同。 風論以肝膽之氣為病理基礎,熱論以手少陽相火,心胞絡三焦之氣為病理基礎。論 傷寒門以傷寒雜病為主,而以雙解散為主要治方。論濕病因火熱怫鬱,水液不能宣通而 生。論痰飲主肺熱,治療補益與袪邪並用,對肺痿喘欬發明以開口吸煙之擴張氣管之焚 香療法。論消渴病病機,乃燥熱拂鬱引起,其於所著三消論記載有七個治療處方,用藥 多達30 種藥材,以辛苦寒藥及養陰潤燥為主。


The book content of Xuan Ming Lun Fang wrote by Liu Wan-Su was divided two parts. The first part was all evidence of the zheng pattern, the second part was seventeen disease patterns included six qi disease and non- six qi disease. In this book, Liu Wan-Su pioneer the pathomechanism and principle treatment as well as formulas and medication for sixteen–two disease pattern in the Nei-Jing. The sixteen– two disease pattern of medication were not completely used cold-cool herbs to drain fire. Liu’s put forward the treated principle of acrid-bitter-cold method for six qi disease. He explained that the wind and the heat theory was the same as wind-heat disease but difference on pathological performance. The pathological foundation of the wind theory was liver and gall-bladder qi, whereas the heat theory was hand lesser yang ministerial fire and pericardial and triple burner qi. He thank that the cold damage theory was based with cold damage miscellaneous diseases and double resolution powder was the main governing formula. The cause of damp disease was fire-heat anxious depression and liquid water cannot be declared pass. The phlegm disease governs lung heat induced and the treatment was supplementation combined with dispelling evil. Liu’s invented cense therapy(smoking bronchodilator with herbs) to treat lung collapse pant and cough. The pathomechanism of diabetes was dry-heat anxious depression, San-xiao Lun wrote by Liu’s was recorded seven formulas and thirty herbs which the main governed medicinal including acid-bitter-cold herbs and nourish yin and moisten dryness herbs.
