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篇名 認知──後設認知策略對提升國小五年級數學困難學生文字題解題學習成效之研究
卷期 2015
並列篇名 The Effect of Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategy Instruction on the Word Problem Solving for Elementary School Students with Mathematics Difficulties
作者 鍾承均呂翠華
頁次 111-134
關鍵字 認知-後設認知策略數學困難學生數學文字題cognitive and metacognitive strategiesstudents with mathematics difficultiesmath word problems
出刊日期 201511


在國小階段課程中,數學學習領域佔有相當大份量,也是令大多數 國小學生感到困難的學科之一(Lerner & Johns, 2009),越到高年級就有 越多學生害怕數學,認為自己不能有效學習數學。數學困難學生雖然 具備計算或閱讀能力,但在訊息處理和語文理解有困難,且因缺少認 知策略學習進而影響其後設認知監控能力,往往因無法理解題意而逐 漸對數學失去信心。Montague (1992, 1997)提出的認知──後設認知策 略(cognitive and metacognitive strategy)發展至今二十餘年,Montague將 後設認知成分(自我指導、自我提問及自我監控)與七大解題步驟(讀 題、釋義、視覺化、假設、估計、計算及檢查)結合,相關研究顯示 此數學解題模式不僅能幫助數學困難學生在學習上有立即成效,且保 留與類化效果佳。 本研究旨在探討認知──後設認知策略對提升國小數學困難學生 文字題解題學習之成效,研究方法採用準實驗設計法之不相等控制組 設計,研究對象包括策略組與對照組各八位國小五年級學生。兩組教 學單元內容與進度皆相同,各進行12週教學介入,策略組實施認知─ ─後設認知策略,對照組實施一般補救教學策略,於學生課餘時間進 行實驗教學,排定每週一、四早自習及午休時間,每次教學均採團體 教學方式。 研究對象的篩選程序如下:研究者先請五年級班級導師推薦該班學 生1至2位,並根據瑞文氏標準圖形推理測驗(Standard Progressive Matrices, SPM)篩選排除智能障礙學生,以確定這些學生數學學習特徵 表現低落,數學成績排名在班上後25%,且依平日觀察確認口語理解能 力及口語表達能力與同儕無太大差異,確定學生數學基本運算能力的 程度及數學學習困難並非智力因素所影響。 本研究先透過自編文字題測驗進行前測,再編寫認知──後設認知 策略教學方案進行教學,以探討認知──後設認知策略對國小數學困 難學生解題成效之研究。待課程結束後,再進行「自編數學文字題測 驗」的後測,以探究認知──後設認知策略對數學困難學生學習成效 是否有顯著改變。研究結果發現,策略組與對照組學生在經過教學介 入後,策略組後測平均分數較對照組平均分數高,在事後比較上,策 略組的學習成效顯著大於對照組。在文字題解題成效上,以前測成績 為共變量,教學方法為自變項,後測成績為依變量進行共變數分析, 實施認知──後設認知策略的策略組成效優於對照組,且達顯著差異 (F = 4.892, p = .045 < .05),顯示本研究採用的認知──後設認知策略能 提升數學困難學生的學習成效,幫助數學困難學生理解題意,降低解 題錯誤,促使學生使用不同解題策略理解題意,並減少使用不當的解 題方式。 根據上述結果,本研究對教導數學困難學生認知──後設認知策略 及未來相關研究提出建議。


The research aims to discuss the effects of cognitive and metacognitive strategy instruction on the word problem solving for elementary school students with mathematics learning difficulties. Pretest-posttest of quasi-experiment design was adapted. Eight fifth-grade students participated in treatment group and 8 in control group. All of the participants learned the same content material over 12 weeks. Experimental group received cognitive and metacognitive strategy instruction and the control group received the general remedial instruction. Quantitative data collected from students’ performance of test. The results of this study are as follows: 1. Cognitive and metacognitive strategies instruction helped students to clarify the question, reduce the mistakes on analyzing the problems, motivate students to use different problem solving strategies, and minimize the chances of using incorrect problem solving methods. 2. After observing the students, three major error patterns were concluded as having difficulties in decoding, lacking abilities in problem integration and manipulation, and frustration caused by the long-term failure. 3. The effect of experimental group is significantly better than the controlled group. After teaching, experimental group’s average score is higher than controlled group in the posteriori comparisons. The suggestions on cognitive and metacognitive strategies instruction for learners with mathematics difficulties are provided for the future research.

