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篇名 海運業務人員核心職能之建構
卷期 18:1
並列篇名 Exploring the Core Competencies of Sales People in Maritime Industry
作者 鍾添泉余坤東謝曉琪
頁次 089-108
關鍵字 核心職能業務人員探索性因素分析core competencysales personexploratory factor analysis
出刊日期 200906




The purpose of this work is to explore the core competency combination of sales people in maritime industry. This reaserach started from conducting data collection through in-depth interview with experts and literature review. Twelve experts were invited to join this research, and 37 items of critical incident which were thought to be vital to success of sales person were identified. To simplify these entire 37 items, this research conducted questionare survey and used factor analysis to explore essential factors from these work items. Seven core competencies and four personality characteristics were identifed for sales person of maritime industry. The seven core competencies are: professional knowledge, self-confidence, social ability in work field, customer-oriented behavior, familiar with foreign languages, skill of communication and integration, and high needs for achievement. Besides four personalties are also thought highly related to the seven competencies, they are: conscientiousness, extraversion, emotional stability, and openness to experience. Based on these findings, practical and future research suggestions were further proposed.
