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篇名 我國大專院校航運管理學系課程認知、學習動機、能力及學習目標達成關係之研究
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 The Relationships among Curriculum Perception, Learning Motivation, Competence and Learning Objective Achievement of Shipping Management Department
作者 倪安順謝雅君
頁次 001-017
關鍵字 課程認知學習動機能力學習目標達成結構方程模式curriculum perceptionlearning motivationcompetencelearning objective achievementStructure Equation Model
出刊日期 200912




This research focuses on the relationships among curriculums, learning motivation, competence and learning objective achievement for the students related to the shipping management department in Taiwan area. The main target for the education above is to produce proficiencies. And since shipping management education has great influence on the development of the maritime for the entire country. Thus, the design of the courses is very essential in stimulating students' interests of learning and the ability required. It's an important issue to achieve the goal of cultivating professional work force.
