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篇名 散裝煤運載船安全程序之分析
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 Analysis of the coal carrier transportation safety procedure
作者 陳宜君張啟隱周和平
頁次 019-035
關鍵字 固體散裝貨物煤炭自燃安全程序Solid Bulk CargosCoalSpontaneous CombustionSafety Procedures
出刊日期 200912


我國煤礦場停工後,國內煤炭完全依賴進口,煤炭載運回國需求增加,煤炭 本身有自燃、散發有毒氣體的危險特性,為確保船舶、船員之安全,載運中應參 照煤炭特性而採取適當安全程序。本文針對探討煤炭安全載運,蒐整國際海事組 織對於散裝貨運裝載相關安全規定,與煤炭具自燃及散發有毒氣體之化學危險性 相關資料,以及訪問於散裝貨運載船工作之船員,分析現有固體散裝貨物安全作 業章程(BC Code)中衡量不同等級煤的自燃指標氣體單位未能統一及進入貨艙人 員安全程序作原則性、概括性規定等不足部分,依美國材料試驗標準協會 (ASTM)分類之煤炭等級建立衡量自燃指標氣體統一基準,提出改進後之進入 裝載煤炭貨艙之安全程序及作業流程檢查表,冀能提供船公司及船員載運煤炭時 除參考固體散裝貨物安全作業章程(BC Code)等國際法規範外之安全程序參考資 料,以降低散裝貨運載船意外事故之機率,並對於提升我國散裝煤運載船安全能 有所貢獻。


Our country coal market has completely relied on imports since the suspension of coal mine, which consequently led to the increase in demand for transportation via bulk cargo. The risky characteristics of coals include spontaneous combustion and transpiration of toxic gas. To ensure safety for ships and the crews, appropriate safety procedures during transportation should be adopted according to coal characteristics. The study aimed to explore coal safety transport through collection and reorganization of relevant safety requirement for bulk cargo stipulated by the International Maritime Organization and relevant information on coal’s chemically risky characteristics in spontaneous combustion and the transpiration of toxic gas. Moreover, an interview with the crews working on the bulk cargo vessel was conducted to analyze the insufficiency in the principles and general provisions for personnel entering the cargo and the un-unification measurements for the different level of indicator of spontaneous combustion from the existing Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargo (BC Code). The study further proposes the establishment of a unification benchmark on the measurements for indicator of spontaneous combustion used to determine the level of coal gas, based on the categories of American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), in order to provide the vessel companies and crews in coal loading with reference to international regulations on safety procedures such as Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Card and to lower the probability of ship accidents in bulk cargo as well as making contribution to the safety of our national bulk cargo transport
