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篇名 核心職能自我效能對職業選擇之探討--以航運管理科系為例
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 A Discussion on the Associations between Self-Efficacy and Occupation Choice Behavior---The Case of Shipping and Transportation Management Graguates
作者 邱富山謝曉琦
頁次 037-057
關鍵字 核心職能職業選擇自我效能社會資訊處理模式core competencyjob choice behaviorself-efficacysocial information
出刊日期 200912




This work first developed the shippers’ core competency measurement items by conducting in-depth interview, second source data collecting and literature review. On the base of core competency measurement, this study further explored and verified the associations between core competency efficacy and job choice behavior. Since many factors such as content and sources of social informations and job compensation would also affect job choice behavior, in this job choice behavior model, these factors were considered as situation variable. Research findings are: core competency self-efficacy does dominant job choice behavior, while job compensation and different souces of social information would also moderate the association between core competency self-efficacy and job choice behavior. The research findings implicate that, for high education institute, if the courses match the goal of development of students’ core compitency self-efficacy, student would be more aggressive and devoted in their planed career path. This is important for not wasting education resources and students’ trial and error efforts.
