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篇名 我國實習船運作與管理模式之探討
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 A Discussion on the Operating Model of Professional Practical Training Ship in Taiwan
作者 鍾添泉余坤東
頁次 077-102
關鍵字 航海教育航海實習航海實習訓練船Navigation EducationNavigation PracticePractice Training Ships
出刊日期 200912




Navigation education is a form of applied education which emphasis on the conjunction of theories and practices. The training vessel, although being the best teaching model for navigation education, can be a heavy burden for its high cost of acquiring and maintaining. By literature review and reorganizing the historical files and documents as well as case studies methods, this study will analyze the most suitable scale and maintaining cost of training vessels for the Taiwan’s optimal. The study will show Taiwan nation’s navigation education institutes suggested the need of training vessels for internship in numerous times but they were declined by the decision maker in each time, the reasons were that there are merchant fleets supporting sufficient internship courses. But over the years, due to the structural changes in manpower of commercial sea liners, the resources of internship that the merchant ship companies provided had been in sharp decline, internship courses of navigation education became optional courses, thus making it more difficult for training of manpower in navigation. Industrial talents derive from good education, assuming reliance of shipping industry is vital to island nation’s economy and trade; training vessel would contribute positively toward education, industry and national economy. Taiwan’s neighboring nations have prioritized its construction of training vessel to enhance its advantage and favorable position in competition of the ocean. Considering that National ocean policy is becoming increasingly clearer, the construction of navigation education training vessel is becoming a necessity.
