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篇名 影響貨櫃儲區作業模式選擇因素之研究
卷期 18:2
並列篇名 Identifying the Critical Factors for Selecting Operation Models in Container Yards
作者 趙時樑林美利
頁次 103-127
關鍵字 港埠營運管理貨櫃碼頭定期航運因素分析port operation managementcontainer terminalsliner shipping, factor analysis
出刊日期 200912




Yards are precious resource in container terminals. Not only can they provide space for keeping containers, but also directly support the shipside operation. There are lots of factors that influence the selection of yard operation models. For example, capacity related factors have been concerned for terminals that handle huge container traffics. However, terminals that think highly of the punctuality of vessels prefer to use efficient operation models. In addition, how to reduce the pollution while handling containers has also become a hot issue of modern terminals. The aim of this research is to identify these factors by factor analysis. The results of our empirical study reveals that safety, environment protection, cost, efficiency and capacity were identified as five critical factors for selecting yard operation models.
