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篇名 海事事故調查機制之研究
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 The study of the maritime investigating mechanism
作者 黃燦煌涂爾優李筱嬋王韡庭
頁次 045-064
關鍵字 海事事故事故調查機制海事事故類型marine incidentsmaritime investigatingtype of Marine Accident
出刊日期 201106


海事事故是不可預知的風險,除了影響港埠營運外,對海洋環境與相關人員 的生命財產均會造成極為重大的傷害。本研究整理台灣各商港港務局所提供93 年度至98 年之各港務局紀錄的海事事故類型資料,海事事故共計1524 件之多, 平均每年約發生254 件,如何從經驗中記取教訓,「海事事故調查機制」為海事 安全政策中不可或缺的一環。因此從海事事故調查源頭建立完善機制,才能使後 續相關研究發揮更大之效用,所以本研究以各國海事事故調查機制為基礎與台灣 進行比較分析,以體制而言,應成立專業且獨立的海事安全調查機構;以法制而 言,建議應儘速立法,避免成為海事安全死角。並建立暢通聯繫管道以及資訊交 流程序,建立國際合作模式。


Marine incidents have unpredictable risks, it could affect operation of the port, and harm extremely the lives of related personnel as well as the marine environment.The study collatets the marine incident type of data from 2004 to 2009, which was provided by Taiwan Harbor Port Authority, The total hapenings of marine incidents is 1,524, and occurred 254 annually. The marine incident investigating mechanism is vary important in maritime security policy, which can learn from the past experience. The research based on accident investigation mechanisms of maritime affairs of various countries and carried on comparative analysis with Taiwan. On the marine survey of the relevant mechanisms, should establish professional and independent maritime affairs; In respect of legal system , propose legislating as quickly as possible, and ensure the safe maritime affairs. Finally, set up international cooperation and contact the maritime information.
