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篇名 特提斯的逆襲─以ARCS 模式探究女性航海學生上船實習之動機
卷期 24:1
並列篇名 Counter Attack of Thetis - Use of the ARCS Model to Investigate Female Navigational Students’ Motivation of Internship Onboard
作者 張綺君郭俊良吳珮琪林婉萍
頁次 041-073
關鍵字 女性船員上船實習性別分工性別刻板印象Women seafarersInternship onboardGender division of laborGender stereotypes
出刊日期 201512


綜觀古今中外,海洋運輸產業莫不屬於陽剛的男性工作場域。物換星移, 時至今日,隨著二十一世紀船舶操作逐漸自動化、海事從業員額日益緊縮及 性別平權意識抬頭,女性船員上船工作實可證明船員職場性別分工的遞移。 本研究採質性研究法中之訪談法,分析「女性航海學生」、「在職女性船員」 與「男性船員」的觀點,繼以Keller (1983)提出的學習動機模式(ARCS model): 引起注意(Attention)、切身相關(Relevance)、建立信心(Confidence)、感到滿 足(Satisfaction)四個要素為架構,務求完整且真實的呈現女性船員工作之態 貌,及其從事海勤工作之心境與困境,佐以男性視角的論述,打破刻板印象 之窠臼,一探女性航海學生上船實習之動機取向。作者最終依據研究結果深 入討論,並對女性航海學生、航商與政府單位提出相關建議。


The history of all times and in all countries shows that, marine transportation industry is a masculine workplace. As time goes by, the gradual automation of ship operation in the 21st century, the manpower crunch of marine practitioners, rise of gender equality and awareness, and women seafarers working onboard have proved the change of gender division of labor of seafaring workplace. This study used interview method of qualitative research to analyze the viewpoints of “female navigational students,” “current women seafarers,” and “male seafarers.” Four factors of learning motivation model (ARCS model) proposed by Keller (1983), namely attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction were used as the framework to fully and authentically reflect the attitude and appearance of women seafarers working onboard, as well as the mood and difficulties of engaging in seafaring work. This study also investigated female navigational students’ motivation orientation of internship onboard from male perspectives to break the stereotype. In the end, in-depth discussions were conducted based on the research results, and relevant suggestions were proposed on female navigational students, ship-owners, and government authorities.
