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篇名 圓一個航海夢:探究學士後海勤第二專長學生上船工作意願之影響因素
卷期 24:1
並列篇名 Fulfilling a Seafaring Dream: An Investigation on the Factors Affecting the Willingness of Work aboard of Students with Post-baccalaureate Seafaring as the Second Expertise
作者 陳君禧郭俊良曾維國林婉萍
頁次 075-097
關鍵字 學士後海勤第二專長學程需求層次職業興趣理論善用機緣論Post-baccalaureate seafaring as the second expertise programHierarchy of needsPersonality-job fit theoryPlanned happenstance theory
出刊日期 201512




Because there is a serious shortage of ship-officers in the shipping industry, Ministry of Education approved the establishment of “Post-baccalaureate seafaring as the second expertise program” of three maritime universities (or college) in Taiwan whose graduates may become the important source of future ship-officers in Taiwan. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the factors affecting the willingness to work aboard of students mentioned above. Based on Planned happenstance theory, Personality-job fit theory, and Maslow's hierarchy of needs, this study used qualitative-oriented in-depth interviews to collect research data. This study found that, most of the participants in this study were not satisfied with their current jobs and they were eager to change their career paths. By chance, they learned that working aboard can help them earn a generous salary, and thus gave up their original expertise to learn seafaring profession from scratch. They expected that seafaring career can meet their own needs. The strong willingness to work aboard exhibited by them seemed to create a hope for the situation where there is a serious shortage of ship-officers in the shipping industry, while the specific nature of seafaring profession would be also their unavoidable challenges.
