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篇名 經濟與安全:全球化時代的新安全理論
卷期 12
並列篇名 Economics and Security: New Theoretical Approaches in the Globalization Age
作者 陳牧民
頁次 019-046
關鍵字 安全研究全球化國家主權政治經濟學政治經濟學anti-drug warU.S. foreign policydrug economyLatin Americamilitary assistance
出刊日期 200510


本文章以過去十年間國際社會所經歷過的兩大指標性事件——1997年間 爆發的亞洲金融危機和2001年九一一恐怖攻擊事件——為起點,探討兩個問 題:第一,長久以來人類社會所認定的「安全」概念是否在冷戰結束後產生根 本的改變?第二:如何以政治經濟學研究方法來建立一個分析全球化時代國際 安全的研究趨向。過去國際政治學界習慣將「國際安全」與「國際政治經濟學」 劃分為兩個不同的學門,並刻意贬抑經濟因素對安全戰略環境的影響,但在全 球化潮流影響下,經濟的重要性已大幅提昇。從當代研究國際安全的各種的文 獻中,也不難發現經濟與安全的關係一直是理論家感興趣的一項重要命題。本 文之目的,是希望以政治經濟學的研究途徑來觀察自由經濟與國家主權之間的 關係,俾使學界更精確掌握全球化潮流下國際安全情勢的演變脈絡。


Scholars of International Relations became interested in economic issues in the 1970s, but the study of economic issues was conducted separately from the study of military statecraft, and national security issues more generally. Consequently, International Political Economy and International Security developed into two separate fields, with such a separation persisting even after the Cold War. Some attribute the lack of interest in the economics-security nexus in the IR community to the fact that few IPE specialists are familiar with security literature, while even fewer security analysts are familiar with theories and concepts used by IPE and economics scholars. The paper assumes that economic forces should play a more fundamental role in shaping the role of the state in international economics and the interests of those who control the state. The paper begins with an analysis of two big events that fundamentally change the meaning of national security; the 1997 financial crisis in Asia and the September 11 terrorist attack in 2001. Next the paper explores two questions: First, is the meaning of national security fundamentally changed since the end of the Cold War, since economic factors have replaced military ones to be the. crucial factors in shaping the overall security environment? Second, how do scholars formulate a political economic approach to analyze the developments of security issues? The author proposes three different perspectives to understand economics-security connections, each represents a distinctive view of national security,and the functions of the state in handling security issues.
