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篇名 1990年代以來日本重新調整危機事件處理機制之分析
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Analysis and Evolution of Japanese Crisis Management System after 1990s
作者 楊鈞池
頁次 095-118
關鍵字 日本憲法日本行政首相主導危機管理正常國家Japan ConstitutionJapan Administrative SystemLeadership of Prime MinisterCrisis ManagementNormal State
出刊日期 200701


曰本憲法沒有國家緊急命令權的制度,如果國家面臨重大緊急災難時, 依照「災害對策基本法」第八章的規定,内閣總理大臣經内閣決議後得對災 害發生相關地區之全部及一部,宣布災害緊急事態,宣布後20天内向國會 提出要求同意,如國會休會或解散時,得於下次第一次集會時徵求同意,國會如不同意,該緊急事態之宣布即予廢止。日本災害對策基本法的規定顯示 曰本受到和平憲法條款的限制以及美日安保條約的約束下,日本的危機管理 機制是相當不正常的。冷戰後日本先後經歷阪神大地震、北韓飛彈危機與核 武危機等事件後,曰本政府逐步調整危機事件的處理機制,一方面確定首相 作為最高指揮官,另一方面也確定相關的協調與聯絡,以及中央政府與地方 政府之間的分工體制。


In the last decade of twentieth centoy,Japan confronted a series of crises that tested the responses capabilities of the government. The mismanagement of these various events has resulted in a growing consensus. As Japan5s goals have become more diverse, and both internal and external circumstances have been seen increasingly radical changes, it has become imperative to establish a system to strengthen the political leadership of the Prime Minister so that timely decisions can be made with strategic and comprehensive emergency.
