
Acta Cardiologica Sinica MEDLINESCIEScopus

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篇名 The Emerging Roles of Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography: Acute Chest Pain Evaluation and Screening for Asymptomatic Individuals
卷期 32:2
作者 Chien,NingWang,Tzung-DauChang,Yeun-ChungLin,Po-ChihTseng,Yao-HuiLee,Yee-FanKo,Wei-ChunLee,Bai-ChinLee,Wen-Jeng
頁次 167-173
關鍵字 Acute chest painComputed tomographyCoronary artery diseaseHealth screeningStable anginaMEDLINESCIScopus
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.6515/ACS20150826A



Coronary computed tomographic angiography (CCTA) has been widely available since 2004. After that, the diagnostic accuracy of CCTA has been extensively validated with invasive coronary angiography for detection of coronary arterial stenosis. In this paper, we reviewed the updated evidence of the role of CCTA in both scenarios including acute chest pain and screening in asymptomatic adults. Several large-scale studies have been conducted to evaluate the diagnostic value of CCTA in the context of acute chest pain patients. CCTA could play a role in delivering more efficient care. For risk stratification of asymptomatic patients using CCTA, latest studies have revealed incremental benefits. Future studies evaluating the totality of plaque characteristics may be useful for determining the role of noncalcified plaque for risk stratification in asymptomatic individuals.

