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篇名 臺灣電力公司閃電資料特徵分析
卷期 43:4
並列篇名 Statistical Analysis of the Lightning Activities Around Taiwan Island
作者 陳柏榮洪景山
頁次 285-300
關鍵字 雲對地閃電雲中閃電Cloud to ground lightningIntra-cloud lightning
出刊日期 201512


本文使用2004至2012年臺灣電力公司整合型落雷偵測系統(Total Lightning Detection System,TLDS) 的閃電觀測進行臺灣地區閃電的統計分析。TLDS 可以分辨雲對地閃電(Cloud to Ground,CG)及雲中閃 電(Intra-Cloud,IC),9 年間共累計有2,670 萬筆閃電觀測資料,相信可提供臺灣地區閃電現象有效的統 計分析。 9 年的統計分析顯示,4 月至10 月的12 時至18 時是CG 與IC 發生最密集的時間,顯示與午後對 流有密切的關係。CG 與IC 空間的分佈皆顯示陸地上的閃電數量較海面上為多,臺灣西半部的數量又多 於東半部,兩者在陸地及海面上各自形成數個分佈中心。由閃電隨著季節的趨勢變化顯示,海面上較陸 地先偵測到閃電的訊號,但陸地上閃電增加的速度較海面快,陸地上又以北部中心較南部中心早形成, 7、8 月達到閃電發生的峰值後開始減少,陸地上閃電減少的速度較海面快,北部中心減弱的時間亦較南 部中心早,海面上閃電能延續到較晚的月份。陸地上各中心閃電發生最頻繁的時間皆落在午後時段,北 部中心在下午3 時至4 時,中南部中心在4 時至5 時。 從CG 的能量分佈可以發現負CG 發生的次數遠多於正CG,負CG 能量主要集中在60 kA 以下, 又以11 kA~20 kA 最多,正CG 能量則集中在1 kA~10 kA 之間。空間分佈顯示陸地區域多分佈能量 較小的CG,海上則較多能量較大的CG


This paper conducts a statistical study on the lightning activities around Taiwan Island. A total of more than 26,700,000 lightning observations during the period of 2004 to 2012, including the cloud to ground (CG) and intra-cloud (IC) lightning, were analyzed from the total lightning detection system (TLDS) of Taiwan Power Company. Statistics shows that the most active CG and IC occurred between 12 and 18 local time (LST) during April to October. The peak lightning activities occurred at 15~16 LST over northern Taiwan, and 16 to 17 LST over southern Taiwan. Therefore, the lightning activities are suggested to relate to the afternoon thunderstorms. The horizontal distributions of the CG and IC have the characteristics that lightning over the land is much more than those over the ocean. The lightning counts over the west Taiwan are more than the east. In terms of the seasonal variation, the lightning activities over the open ocean/north of Taiwan occurred earlier than those over land/south of Taiwan. The occurrence of the negative CG is significantly more than the positive CG. Negative CG has the current smaller than 60 kA, most are distributed between 11 kA and 20 kA. The current of the positive CG are distributed between 1 kA and 10 kA. The CG over the ocean in general has the larger current than those over the land.
