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篇名 當代學校經營與管理新興議題取向之探究
卷期 102
並列篇名 A Study of New Issues of Contemporary School Management
作者 張文權范熾文謝月香
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 學校經營與管理新興議題焦點團體座談new issuesschool managementfocus interview
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.3966/160683002016030102001




The purpose of this paper was to inquire influent factors and new issues of contemporary school management. It was designed to investigate the materials over principals, teacher, administrator and scholar through focus interviews. The main findings of this study were listed as follows:1. Influent factors of contemporary school management are internal , external , tacit and explicit parts; 2. Individual dimension of contemporary school management includes self leadership, reflection practice and processional ethics; 3 Group dimension of contemporary school management includes team organization, human resource development, knowledge leadership and accountability leadership; 4 Organizational dimension of contemporary school management includes strategic management, balanced scorecard, Customer Relationship Management, competitive advantage, organizational innovation and partnership relationship between school and community.
