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篇名 學校行政專業的困境與突破
卷期 102
並列篇名 The Dilemma and Breakthrough of the Profession of School Administration
作者 林志成
頁次 019-028
關鍵字 學校行政專業專業自我行動智慧行動研究profession of school administrationprofessional selfwisdom for actionaction research
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.3966/160683002016030102002




This paper aims to analyze the school administration profession, operations and the possible dilemma and breakthrough strategies. Firstly, there is an overview of challenges and dilemmas of school administration. Secondly, it analyzes the dilemma and breakthrough of the professional development of school administration. Thirdly, it discusses the analysis of the dilemma and breakthrough of the administrative power operation of schools, and fourthly, analyzes the dilemma and breakthrough of the research of school administration. Finally, there is a conclusion of this research.
