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篇名 探討雲端應用之資安問題:隱私權中的被遺忘權及其對台灣教育與社會層面的影響
卷期 102
並列篇名 Exploring the Information Security Issues for Cloud Computing: The Right to be Forgotten in Information Privacy and Its Impact on Education and Society in Taiwan
作者 陳信助陳寶山
頁次 029-044
關鍵字 雲端應用資訊安全資訊隱私權被遺忘權Cloud ComputingInformation SecurityInformation PrivacyRight to Be Forgotten
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.3966/160683002016030102003




In the last few years, cloud computing has grown fast and become very popular due to technology advances. But as more and more information on individuals and companies is placed in the cloud, concerns are beginning to grow about the information security and privacy. This paper attempts to discuss security and privacy issues, requirements and challenges for cloud computing and to understand the right to be forgotten in information privacy and its impact on education and society in Taiwan. Recommended promoting the awareness of the right to be forgotten methods to address these are suggested for school and community.
