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篇名 從多元文化的思維談國際移動力的培養
卷期 102
並列篇名 Developing Global Mobility with Multicultural Thinking
作者 何國旭
頁次 065-078
關鍵字 國際教育多元文化教育國際移動力international educationmulticultural educationglobal mobility
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.3966/160683002016030102005




The progress of globalization has promoted international cooperation in people’s livelihood, economy, politics, culture, and education. The international movements of talents and their mutual learning have brought about even closer attachments and symbiosis among nations. “The White Paper on International Education in Primary and Secondary Schools”, published by the Ministry of Education in 2011, proclaimed that Taiwanese citizens in the 21st century must be equipped with international perspective and the concept of global village, and they have to enhance their strength for taking part in international competitions. In order to respond to the international concurrence brought by globalization, Taiwan is bound to connect to the international community, so that our citizens can move freely among the countries with dignity. Therefore, it is urgent to develop students’ global mobility. Starting from the talent-fostering policies of our country, this study discussed the importance of developing global mobility, and pointed out that, in order to develop global mobility, we should first help students develop multicultural thinking. This study outlined and analyzed the outcomes of promoting international education in primary and secondary schools in Taiwan in the last three years, and some reflections were suggested about the practice of the policies of international education at the level of compulsory education: (i) the achievement of performance indicators doesn’t mean that international education of a school has achieved its goals; (ii) lack of funds doesn’t mean that a school cannot establish international partnerships; (iii) the resources for international interaction in Taiwan have been ignored for a long time; (iv) for developing international literacy, multicultural thinking of students must be established first; (v) school teachers are the promoter for carrying out international education; (vi) school activities or integration of curriculum have to be in conjunction with the objectives of international education; (vii) the development of global competencies is the demonstration of global mobility. These reflections were suggested for the reference and discussion for the education authorities and schools of different levels that are promoting international education.
