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篇名 私立高中職經營績效指標之探討
卷期 102
並列篇名 Performance Indicators of Private Senior High and Vocational Schools in Taiwan
作者 賴永裕胡維新陳信誠
頁次 079-098
關鍵字 私立高中職經營績效補助與捐款收入private senior high and vocational schoolsoperating performanceprivate donation and government grants
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.3966/160683002016030102006




In recent years, private senior high and vocational schools in Taiwan have faced tremendous pressure on their operating under the circumstance of declining birth rates. To enhance the quality of school education of private senior high and vocational schools and to encourage students to attend the nearby districts’ senior high and vocational schools, Ministry of Education promotes grants for School Actualization Program (SAP). It is a good opportunity for private schools to implement the program. For private senior high and vocational schools with good performance, it will be helpful for their enrollment and disclosure of good performance by receiving positive evaluations through performance evaluation. The research focuses on how the general public can observe school performance both conveniently and effectively to attend a school with better performance. Based on a sample of 182 private senior high and vocational schools for the academic years 2008 to 2010, the results show that there is a positive correlation between schools obtained SAP and school performance. That is, SAP enhances the performance of private senior high and vocational schools. Besides, a government grant is positively associated with school performance. It suggests that schools with higher operating performance obtained greater government grants. Furthermore, there is a negative but insignificant correlation between private donation and school performance. Finally, the performance of schools do not sponsored by any organization is better than that the other schools.
