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篇名 我國幼兒教保人員專業發展的困境與因應
卷期 102
並列篇名 Predicaments and Strategies of Professional Development of Preschool Teacher
作者 梁佳蓁
頁次 099-119
關鍵字 幼兒園教師教師專業發展幼托整合preschool teacherteacher professional developmentIntegration of Kindergartens and Nursery Schools
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.3966/160683002016030102007


追求教師專業與提升幼兒教育品質,一直是教育界努力的方向,分流數 十年的幼兒「托育」與「教育」於2012年完成整合,成為亞洲第一個實施幼托 整合制度的國家,幼托整合不僅讓幼兒教育朝向國際新趨勢也同時展現幼教 專業地位。教師既是一種專業工作,其專業信念、專業能力及其專業精神當 能在教育現場中提供學生教育服務或指導,並透過持續的學習與探究歷程來 提升專業水準與專業表現。本文採用文獻分析法,從幼兒園教師專業發展之 歷史沿革了解我國教師專業發展的現況,發現當前我國的教師專業發展困境 如下:1.高等機構幼教師資培育課程與法令脫節、2.幼托整合,師資未整合、 3.缺乏專業發展環境,老師從教室中逃跑、4.零散式的研習活動,教師專業發 展待整合、5.現有教師工作繁雜,不利於進修成長、6.專業發展意識薄弱。分 析困境可行策略如下:1. 幼兒師資培育課程規劃的檢討、2.專業核心素養整 合,實現自我突破、3. 教師工作環境改善,激發教師專業發展動力、4.獎勵辦 理教師專業發展績優園所並予以公開鼓勵、5. 提供時間與空間,促進教師對 話與批判思考、6.成立教師專業發展專責單位。


The pursuit of the teaching profession for early childhood education has been the direction of the effort to enhance the quality of the education sector, and for Taiwan to become the first country in Asia to implement an integrated system of early childhood education. integrating kindergartens and nursery schools will not only allow a new international trend towards improved early childhood education, but also demonstrate the professional status of early childhood education for the professional work of teachers and their professional beliefs, the professional competence and professionalism of the teachers, while also providing both teachers and students educational services and guidance through the process of continuous exploration and learning to enhance professional standards and professional performance. This paper contains an in-depth review, from an evolved historical perspective, of the Pre-School teachers’ professional development in order to expose and understand the current status of the professional development of teachers, thereby discovering the current plight of the professional development of teachers that include the following: 1. Inadequate and insufficient Higher Education Curriculums and Continuing education for teachers of integrating kindergartens and nursery schools; 2. kindergartens and nursery schools including the integration of properly trained teachers; 3. Lack of a professional teacher development environment; 4. Fragmented style of teaching resulting in a fragmented learning curriculum and activities for students; 5. Complicated teaching methods that are not conducive to student consistent learning growth; 6. Weak Teacher professional development and no continuing education for teaching resulting in high teacher burnout. Recommendations to reduce, offset, and correct the aforementioned plights are as follows: 1. Critical Review and improvement of early childhood teacher education curriculum plans; 2. Improve teachers’ working conditions, professional development (including continuing education courses) of teachers to stimulate motivation; 3. Promote teacher self-reviews and independent third party reviews to achieve higher awareness of both teacher and students needs; 4. Recognize teacher performance, professionalism, and commitment to development, with Awards of Merit to publically encouraged all teachers to achieve higher standards and performance; 5. Dialogue and critical thinking of all teachers, administrators and also students; 6. Establish teacher professional continuing education and development courses.
