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篇名 臺灣融合教育教師師資供需現況及問題探究
卷期 102
並列篇名 Discussion and Reflection on Inclusive Education Teachers Supply and Demand and Its Problems in Taiwan
作者 于承平
頁次 140-160
關鍵字 融合教育師資培育教師專業發展inclusive educationteacher educationteachers’ professional development
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.3966/160683002016030102009




“A good teacher is like a candle; it consumes itself to light the way for others.” that will innovative teaching methods and strategies to cultivation of talents. In line with the philosophy of human rights and education equity, the boundaries in general and special education classes have gradually broken, each students have full participation in the rights and obligations of general education, regular classes of students for diversity and heterogeneity increasingly. To cope with the current classroom teaching ecology and parents expect, teachers should have increased expertise and collaborate across categories of teachers. Inclusive education contains family ethnic culture, socio-economic status and students with disabilities and so on. In order to highlighting the problem analysis, this article discusses the students with disabilities that inclusive in regular class’s status issues. With literature analysis were inclusive education policy on the European, the development of pre-service teacher training courses in Taiwan, inclusive education problems faced by the teaching field, to clarify the issue of teachers’ supply and demand. The article made four recommendations: first, to found all stage of inclusive education teachers’ model of cooperation; second, to promote the inclusive education should get rid of the school’s myth of setting class after that setting prescribed number of teacher; third, a reasonable adjustment of special education teachers’ salary: fourth, to strengthen teachers’ professional development for inclusive education.
