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篇名 從「學校型態實驗教育實施條例」談公立國民小學轉型與創新經營的策略
卷期 102
並列篇名 Public Elementary School Transformation and Innovative Management Strategies Based on the Law of “Enforcement Act for School-Based Experimental Education"
作者 游惠音
頁次 161-174
關鍵字 實驗教育學校轉型創新經營experimental educationschool transformationinnovative management
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.3966/160683002016030102010




This thesis investigates the law of “Enforcement Act for School- Based Experimental Education” by documentary analysis, to analyze the important contents, to discuss the impact on the public elementary schools, and to conclude the strategies of public elementary school transformation and innovative management, that is, to create a focused goal, to clarify the concept of experimental education , to establish a task force, to construct a new curriculum, to apply multiple assessment, to enforce teachers’ professional development. In the final part, suggestions on how government can support public elementary schools to transform will be discussed: to hold the themed seminars for local administrators and educators, to provide professional educational consultants for schools, to allocate funds for new projects and staffing, to forge interscholastic collaborative alliances, and to form a supervisory mechanism to oversee progress and compliance.
