
成大歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 元末義兵述論
卷期 29
並列篇名 The Study of Militias in the Late Yuan Period
作者 黃文榮
頁次 031-079
關鍵字 元朝元末時期義兵Yuan DynastyLate Yuan PeriodMilitiasTHCI
出刊日期 200506


元末政治動盪,各地動亂時起,在這樣的時空背景下,各地義兵 紛湧而起,他們為朝廷、為族人,自募民兵抵抗反軍,他們有熟悉地 理環境的先天優勢,加上為鄉為家奮鬥的理念下,常能發揮精強的戰 鬥能力。 本文所討論者,即是元末動亂時,義兵抵抗反亂軍的活動。根據 本文研究,吾人可知義兵的興起與官軍作戰之不力具有相當關係,為 了弭補官軍之不足,元廷便希望藉由募兵來解決艱苦的作戰環境。而 地方人士之所以受募成為義兵,其因有保家衛鄉、忠義觀念以及求功 名利祿三者。尤其是保家衛鄉更是民間人士自組義兵的重要關鍵,甚 至凌駕了對元廷的忠節。 其次,在義兵的組成方面,民兵的來源眾多,造成人員素質良莠 不齊。至於義兵統領的身分大致分為官方與民間人士。官方的義兵統 領多由地方官充任,民間的義兵統領則不外乎富豪大族、士大夫、僧 道人士,以及一些士卒平民,他們之中不全然是有財有勢的地主階級。 在義兵的經費來源方面,其組織經費多出自富家大族的捐輸,義兵將 領的個人家財,與官方的支援。 第三,義兵在元末動亂中的表現,有正面也有負面。正面者,如保家衛鄉,抵禦外侮,進而協助官軍剿滅敵寇。而負面表現,則是劫 掠地方,甚至據地稱王、獻地投敵。然而隨著高郵之戰的落幕,義兵 逐漸趨向負面作為。究其因,高郵之戰不只拯救了張士誠政權,也間 接讓各地紅巾勢力再度復甦,這一敗元廷威信受到極大傷害。更重要 的是,元廷兵敗後,竟陷入嚴重的内鬥中,致使朝政混亂,甚至援引 外軍作為政治資本。惡鬥的結果,使義兵在無官方奥援的情況下,遭 受反元勢力的攻擊,只能投降敵軍。此外,賞罰不公、部分官員的舉 止失措、朝廷對義兵的猜忌、無法有效掌控義兵、義兵對久戰的厭惡, 以及割據群雄的兩面手法,都破壞了義兵對元朝政府的向心,也是擁 元義兵逐漸消逝的原因。


The main point of this article is to study militias emerged in the end of Yuan Dynasty. They were enlisted from local areas and became important local force to protect their home town. This study pursues their origins, organization, development and function from local gentry and the Yuan government, to meet the shortage of this field. According to this study, as a result of militias is to protect their home, pledge loyalty to Yuan government, and gained benefits. Among them the most important is protect the home that urged local gentry and people fight bandits. Secondly, the commanders of militias were from authoritative officials, rich man, educated person, and common people without wealth. They lead militias with simple organization. Thirdly, although militias have contributed to political situation, they were seriously corrupted and conflicted within the Yuan government which led to their demise.
