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篇名 鄭和艦隊於忽魯謨斯五十二天──鄭和遠航原始動機的探尋
卷期 30
並列篇名 A Real Reason for the Greatest Puzzle ── the Secret of Zheng He's Voyage
作者 蕭弘德
頁次 091-137
關鍵字 鄭和明朝帖木兒帝國蒙古戰略航海Zheng HeMing DynastyTimur EmpireMongoliaTHCI
出刊日期 200606


有很多的闡釋關於鄭和遠航的原始主要動機,我在這篇論文建立一個全 新的理論。鄭和航行的最初主要目的是一個密祕軍事任務,五十二個理由將 確證我的理論。 1398 年帖木兒入侵至印度德里,他的軍事能力在當時的世界是非常著 名的。當東羅馬帝國幾乎要被奧圖曼土耳其滅亡時,派遣密使訪問撒馬兒罕 ──帖木兒帝國的首都請求帖木兒帝國協助,1402 帖木兒嚴重的擊敗了奧 圖曼.土耳其,拯救了東羅馬帝國,成為最強大的回教國家,地球上大明帝 國以外最強大的帝國。帖木兒自稱是成吉思汗的後裔,而元朝忽必烈汗的後 裔──本雅失里親至撒馬兒罕,尋求援助恢復大元帝國,並摧毀叛亂的朱明 勢力。 1395 年明帝國洪武皇帝派遣傅安、郭驥率一千五百人的龐大使節團出 訪帖木兒帝國,被扣留。1397 年明帝國使節陳德文亦被扣留。明帝國亦和 帖木兒的第四子,駐紮於哈烈(今阿富汗西部)的沙哈魯接觸。下面是我結 論的摘要: 鄭和航海的原始主要動機是:大明帝國永樂皇帝尋求和帖木兒帝國改善 關係,或建立軍事同盟,以分裂帖木兒帝國和北元可能的合作,以進行大規 模軍事遠征,徹底摧毀北元蒙古──靼韃和瓦剌的力量。訪問帖木兒帝國的忽魯謨斯是鄭和航海主要目的地;以偉大的艦隊展現大明帝國的實力,並贈送很多禮物給帖木兒帝國,沙哈魯亦曾派遣使節從海路訪問明帝國,所有《明實錄》裏的忽魯謨斯皆代表帖木兒帝國。例如:「忽魯謨斯等十六國使臣還國,賜鈔幣表裏,遣太監鄭和等齎敕及錦綺、紗羅、綾絹等物,賜諸國王。就與使臣偕行。」(《明成祖實錄》.卷一百一十九.永樂十九年正月癸已)


There are several explanations of the original chief motive for the expeditions of Admiral Zheng He. In this thesis I put forward an entirely new theory. Zheng He's voyage, I argue, included a secret military mission, and fifty-two considerations are used to support my interpretation. Relevant Chinese classical books of the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties carry implications of Sinocenterism, prejudice, territorialism, and a confusion between tribute and trade, which often distort the reality of history. My thesis uses resources from different countries to appraise historical works and ocumentations from the Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty, in order to analyze the real situation of international relations in the early Ming Period. I summarize my conclusions below: The original chief motive of Admiral Zheng He's voyage was a military alliance with the Timur Empire for the purpose of destroying "the North Yuan" - the Tartar and Oirot empires. The whole of records about Hormuz in the Mingshilu﹙明實錄﹚ represent the Timur Empire. For example: [1421] The ambassadors of 16 countries including Hormuz and so on retuened to their countries, the money and Imperial Memoranda were bestowed. Grand Eunuch Zheng He and others were dispatched to take Imperial Proclamations and in addition luxurious clothes, cotton cloths, silks and other things for granting to Kings. Thus Zheng He and ambassadors went together.
