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篇名 我國九年一貫課程全民健康保險教材內容分析:以國中小健康與體育領域為例
卷期 61:1
並列篇名 Analysis of Taiwan National Health Insurance Education in Elementary and Junior High School Textbooks for the Grade 1-9 Curriculum in the Health and Physical Education Field
作者 張家臻施淑芳董貞吟劉潔心殷蘊雯戴若蕾
頁次 139-167
關鍵字 九年一貫課程全民健保教育健康與體育領域國民中小學教科書grade 1-9 curriculumNHI educationhealth and physical education fieldelementary and junior high schooltextbookTSSCI
出刊日期 201603
DOI 10.6209/JORIES.2016.61(1).06


我國全民健保制度實施20 年,不僅為民眾高度滿意的政策,亦廣受國際社會肯定。而在 過度浪費醫療資源導致保費調漲之際,學者建議需將珍惜全民健保概念從小扎根,才能使健 保制度永續經營。本研究目的欲檢視現有教科書全民健保教材內容,作為教師推動健保教育 參考。研究發現,國小各階段出現健保教育內容總次數為32 及20 次,篇幅比例為1.59%和 0.95%,但內容偏重安全用藥或健康消費等議題,缺乏論述珍惜健保資源或向親友倡議等內 涵。而國中階段雖自現有能力指標延伸,出現達47 次,篇幅比例也僅0.45%,在內容方面缺 乏「認識全民健保中的急診醫療制度」、「體認國際對全民健保的肯定」及「向家人或朋友介 紹全民健保的優點,鼓吹他們善用健保資源」等概念。未來建議將健保教育納入現有主題軸 及能力指標,並強化「情意」及「生活技能」面向,增加正確使用醫療資源等題材,以提升 學生學習成效,使全民健保制度永續經營。


Taiwan has implemented the National Health Insurance (NHI) for over 20 years. The NHI is not only the policy that has generated the highest public satisfaction, but it has also been recognized by international communities. Nevertheless, wasted medical resources are one of the factors that have increased medical costs since the NHI was implemented. Therefore, NHI education should be valued to promote sustainable NHI operation. The purpose of this study was to provide a reference for implementing NHI education by evaluating NHI textbooks. According to the findings, NHI textbooks place more emphasis on medical safety and health consumption, and these textbooks derive well-documented and extensive evidence from various topics and capability indices but fail to value NHI resources or promote the cherish concept to friends and family. The shortage of the facets of “affective domain” and “life skills” should be addressed to implement the goal of NHI education.NHI education should be integrated with the current themes and capability indices to intensify the use of relevant medical curricula. Moreover, the teaching ability of instructors should be increased to incorporate the NHI into elementary and junior high school education.
