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篇名 上博九〈陳公治兵〉綜合研究
卷期 33:4
並列篇名 Research on the Text “Chen Gong Zhi Bing” Published in the Shanghai Museum Corpus (Vol. 9)
作者 高佑仁
頁次 299-336
關鍵字 陳公治兵上博簡軍事文字考釋大蒐禮Chen Gong zhi bingShanghai bowuguan cang Zhanguo Chu zhushumilitary affairsphilologymilitary paradeMEDLINETHCI
出刊日期 201512


〈陳公治兵〉收錄於《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書(九)》,與〈曹沫之陣〉 同為上博簡中的軍事類文獻,其內容早佚,其中所見之人名、戰事名、陣法 名多未見於古籍,對軍事、先秦歷史、古文字研究都具有重要意義,價值實 難估量。 竹簡內容記載楚國動盪不安,經過楚王發動 之戰後局勢才稍稍平穩, 因此楚王於「罙 之上」舉行大蒐之禮,耀兵振旅,俾使宇內安定,但由於 師徒田狩時部隊混亂,因此楚王命令陳公教導軍執事進、止、左、右、起、 坐等行軍之法,陳公並以楚國重要戰績為例,申明戰爭時後援兵力源源不絕 的重要性,並認為陣勢應隨外在條件而應變。 本文針對〈陳公治兵〉之編聯、竹簡型制、書手字跡、字詞考釋等問題 進行綜合性研究,敬請學者專家不吝賜正。


The text “Chen Gong zhi bing 陳公治兵,” included in volume 9 of the Shanghai bowuguan cang Zhanguo Chu zhushu (上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書 Warring States period bamboo slips held in the Shanghai Museum), is a document equal in importance to “Cao mo zhi zhen 曹沫之陣” because of its great value in military research, pre-Qin history and paleography. “Chen Gong zhi bing” records a story about the state of Chu 楚 during the Warring States Period. According to the text Chu was in a state of unrest, but after a military campaign launched by the king of Chu, the situation gradually stabilized. In order to bring further stability to the country, the king of Chu then decided to hold a military parade as a show of military strength. But seeing the disorderliness of his troops during hunting, the king commanded Duke Chen to instruct them in the skills of marching: how to advance, stop, turn left, turn right, stand, sit, etc. Duke Chen also used Chu’s important military successes as examples to clearly explain the importance of continuous reinforcement during battle. He also believed that troop formations must adapt to changing external conditions. This article focuses on different aspects of “Chen Gong zhi bing,” including its textual sequence, bamboo strip form, scribe’s handwriting, and philology.
