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篇名 電極接面對掃描電容顯微術之影響
卷期 206
並列篇名 Infl uences of Electrode Junctions on Scanning Capacitance Microscopy
作者 張茂男詹淙宇陳致仰莊詠涵
頁次 019-026
出刊日期 201603


本文介紹電極接面對掃描電容顯微術之影響,掃描電容顯微術的微分電容訊號對樣品的電極接面十分敏 感,就導電探針的接觸端而言,紫外光照射可減少樣品表面的原生氧化層缺陷,有效提升掃描電容顯微鏡 的訊號強度。對於 P-N 接面樣品的影像分析而言,樣品電極配置對微分電容影像的對比與正確性都十分 重要,樣品電極同時接觸 N 型與 P 型區,能取得可靠的微分電容影像。


In this article, we introduce the influences of electrode junctions on scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM). Differential capacitance signals of scanning capacitance microscopy are very sensitive to the electrode junctions of an SCM specimen. For the contact point of the conductive probe, UV illumination reduced defects of the native oxide layer on sample surface and obviously enhanced the signal intensity of SCM. For the image analysis of a specimen with P-N junctions, the sample electrode setup is very important to the contrast and the accuracy of differential capacitance images. The sample electrode contact with both n- and p-type regions provides reliable differential capacitance images.

