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篇名 政治主導下兩岸電視文化交流的迷思
卷期 57
並列篇名 The Myth of Television-Based Cultural Exchanges Between Taiwan and Mainland China Under Current Political Situations
作者 趙雅麗
頁次 051-075
關鍵字 兩岸文化交流媒體交流政治衝突電視節目互動Taiwan and Mainland Chinacultural exchangesmedia exchangespolitical conflictexchanges of television programsScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 199807


兩岸的電視文化互動,在1987年政府開放台灣區民眾赴大陸探親 後,展開初步實際的接觸。90年代以來,兩岸文化交流活動開始活 絡,就客觀事實來看,兩岸電視媒體的交流,長期以來在促進兩岸關 係的發展、民間交流的推動上,確實扮演了積極的角色;但實際而言 ,兩岸電視媒體的交流始終處於非對等平行之互動狀態;不容否認的 ,由於目前兩岸間存在之實質對立的政治關係與媒體市場競爭的情勢 ,使得兩岸電視文化的交流,無法免除來.自政治層面的干預,以及媒 體利益主導的局面,因而呈現出極爲錯综複雜的景象;簡言之,兩岸 電視媒體間的互動,不僅是影視文化間的交流,更摻雜了複雜的政治 角力與經濟競爭的意涵。本文除扼要闡述兩岸電視節目互動的實際現 況與侷限外,同時探討與分析在政治主導的情勢下,目前兩岸電視文 化交流面臨的困境與迷思。本文僅就個人的觀察與省思,提出一些問 題多於答案,廣度甚於深度的討論與個人之看法,期以抛碑引玉。


Since early 1990's, cultural exchanges between Taiwan and the Mainland China increasingly have become dynamic. However, though the flow is active, it remains an uneven and unequal state. Because of the political opposition and competition for market share, television-based cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Mainland China inevitably are influenced by political interference and media competition. In other words, the exchange not only is directed by the political ideology but more so, the outcomes of political and economic competitions. This article first examines the current state of television-based cultural exchange between the two sides of Taiwan Strait, and next explores and analyzes the effect of political situations and the hardships that lies within both sides on the TV media exchange. Furthermore, this article explores the myth presented by the media flow between the two sides under the current political situations. This article is meant to raise more questions than providing answers in the hope of encouraging a wide range of discussions.
