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篇名 性暴力的文化再現:港台強暴電影的文本分析
卷期 57
並列篇名 Cultural Represenstation of Sexual Violence: A Text Analysis of Chinese Rape Films
作者 羅燦煥
頁次 159-190
關鍵字 性暴力文化再現強暴迷思性腳本港台電影父權意識形態sexual violencerape mythChinese filmpatriarchal hegemonyScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 199807


本研究旨在於檢視強暴電影的性暴力再現,以探討父權意識形態 的爭霸動力。本研究以維護男性宰制的強暴迷思爲分析架構,檢視14 部港台強暴電影的文本内容。本研究發現,港台強暴電影的性暴力再 現,與英美相關文獻有類同之處。大體而言,發現港台電影的性暴力 建構,一方面再現父權體制的主流迷思,包括:強調受暴女性的「性 吸引力j、質疑女性的受暴宣稱、貴備受暴女性的咎由自取、貶低受 暴女性的價値、強調男「性」的「征服」與「成就」,與凸顯女「性 」的客體性及被用性。此外,港台電影的性暴力再現,尚建構反迷思 的另類論述,包括:(良家婦女)好女孩的受暴者、熟識的加害人、 強暴手法的過度暴力化、女性的徒勞反抗,「命定」受暴;受暴女性 的.「必然」自卑創傷;(條件式的)女性情慾自性、男性的性焦慮。 強暴電影的性暴力建構,雖提供父權體制的主流迷思與反迷思的爭霸 場域,但強暴電影的反迷思建構,透過強化「性恐怖統治」與凸顯男 性主控的性文化腳本,與主流迷思產生辯證關係,仍迂迴鞏固現存的 父權意識形態。


This study conducted a text analysis of 14 Chinese rape films to examine the cultural representations of sexual violence against women in Taiwan. Based the analytical framework on popular rape myths, this study examines the representations of rape offender and victim, as well as the circumstances and social responses to the rape incidents in the selected films. This study found Chinese rape films reflect and reinforce popular misconceptions about the offender, victim and causes of rape incidents. However, Chinese rape films also construct alternative representations to the main stream rape myths. This study maintains that, although providing a discursive field for hegemonic struggle, the alternative representations in Chinese rape films dialectically reinforce female dependence and compliance to male protection, as well as dialectically emplhasize the dominance and achievement of male sexuality. Thus, Chinese rape films dialectically reinforce dominant patriarchal ideology in the hegemonic process of sexual violence against women in Taiwan.
