
新聞學研究 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 健保資訊的接觸管道對全民健保預防保健服務利用之影響
卷期 61
並列篇名 The Impact of Communication Channels on Use of Health Services of the National Health Insurance
作者 蔡鶯鶯湯允一
頁次 073-098
關鍵字 人口變項全民健康保險接觸健保資訊管道預防保健服務之利用demographicnational health insuranceexposure to health communication channelsuse of health servicesScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 199910


全民健康保險制度自民國八十四年三月開辦以來,以多元化媒體 管道與策略,推廣健保敎育宣導。本研究於八十七年以台灣地區民眾 爲母體,採用電話號碼簿系統隨機抽樣,針對全省20歲以上民眾電 話訪問調查,共計完成1112份有效樣本。研究經複迴歸分析結果顯示 ,受訪者愈常利用成人健檢的傳播影響因素爲户外廣告;但是子宮頸 抹片檢查之利用,則與從人際傳播管道獲知健保資訊有顯著相關。至 於大眾傳播對這兩種預防保健服務之利用影響不顯著。易言之,爲鼓 勵被保險人多利用預防保健服務,未來的宣導計畫除依主題之差異外 ,建議根據目標閲聽人的性別、年齡及敎育等人口特質及其健康狀況 ,使用不同的媒體管道組合,提供訊息内容,尤其是透過人際傳播的 親身影響,對於受訪者利用預防保健服務之行爲値得重視。


This article examines an impact evaluation of the National Health Insurance (NHI) media campaigns on use of health services. The study randomly sampled 1632 adults aged over twenty-year old in Taiwan through computer aided telephone interview survey with response rate 69%. The use of health service was examined as a dependent variable. Reported exposures to health communication channels relevant to national health insurance information as possible determinants of use of adult health examinations and Pap smear screenings. Exposures to the outdoor advertisement are significantly associated with use of health examination; however, exposures to interpersonal communication channels are significantly associated with Pap smear screenings among female respondents. The findings imply that interpersonal communication is an important determinant for Pap smear screenings while outdoor advertising channels play as an important predictor of the use of adult health examination.
