
新聞學研究 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 全球化下青少年收看本國及外國電視節目之現況及相關影響研究
卷期 64
並列篇名 Global or local? Research on Taiwan youths5 television viewing behavior
作者 蘇蘅陳雪雲
頁次 103-138
關鍵字 全球化日本美國電視節目文化接近音少年globalizationtelevision programcultural proximityforeign programsyouthJapanese programsAmerican programsScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 200007


本研究從全球化理論出發,分析台北市青少年經常收看的節目類 型及青少年何以喜愛收看外來節目的原因。本研究採用電話問卷調 查,抽樣訪問台北市12至19歲青少年,有效樣本爲602人。問卷包 括:⑴了解青少年收看電視的習慣和節目類型;(2)青少年對台灣、曰 本和美國節目的偏好與評價;⑶青少年接觸其他影視媒介產品的情 形:(4)基本人口資料做爲評估。本文發現青少年確實受到全球化過程 的影響,他們收看的節目中,曰本、美國和本國節目幾乎並駕其驅。 但青少年所看節目的類型相當有限,外國節目類型更是如此。其次, 青少年最喜歡的本國節目爲本國综藝節目,但這類節目也是青少年全 家的最愛。第三,台北市青少年是容易接受外國節目的族群,他們對 於美日兩國節目的評價和美曰兩國的整體印象都高過台灣這兩國節目 在他們心目中有一定品牌印象,但評價好不等於最常收看。第四,青 少年雖然喜歡收看進口節目,但香港、新加坡等區域節目的吸引力反而不及美日兩國,這顯示華語市場的「文化接近性」不能解釋音少年 觀眾何以喜好日本、美國節目,青少年選擇本國或外國節目和許多複 雜的因素有關。


The study aimed at developing a theoretical model which explains the relationship between Taiwan youths’ television viewing foreign programs, their motivations and attitudes. As Taiwan imported more international and regional television program genres, recent research in other countries suggests that resistance on cultural imperialism, notably U. S. media imports, may have increased. It is already clear that younger peoples are more oriented toward imported programs in general. The present paper concentrates on a single aspect of these developments, namely, on what domestic and foreign program genres do young people watch in the globalization process? This survey altogether interviewed 1096 respondents. 237 respondents were eligible to be surveyed but refused, which represented a refusal rate of 21. 62%. In the end there were 602 valid respondents. Statistics show that young people at different ages or gender have different preferences in programs from different countries. It can be seen that transnational programs meet match the subculture of the young which increases viewing interest. This can’t be called media imperialism. The results confirm that young people’ viewing choices between domestic and foreign programs are quite complex.
