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篇名 談清華簡(貳)《繫年》的「衛叔封于康丘」句及相關問題
卷期 29
並列篇名 Discussion of Some Contradictory Problems at vol.2, Tsinghua Bamboo Inscriptions
作者 朱歧祥
頁次 169-178
關鍵字 清華簡繫年康叔封衛康叔三監bamboo inscriptions collected in Tsinghua UniversityXinianKangshufengWeikangshuSanjianTHCI Core
出刊日期 201506


《清華大學藏戰國竹簡》(貳)收《繫年》簡138 支,分23 章。其中的 第3、4 章分別記載周武王滅殷事。本文根據簡文,互較文獻記錄,提出以下 四個問題,以質疑簡文本身的真實性:1.「三監」的內容,2.「建衛叔封于康 丘」一句的理解,3.「侯」、「餘」用字的理解,4.「淇衛」連用的問題。


The Bamboo Inscriptions of the War Period Collected in Tsinghua University, vol. 2, which contains 138 pieces of bamboo inscriptions, is divided in 23 chapters. According to the comparison between chapters 3 and 4 regarding about the war history of King Wu in Chou Dynasty, we doubt the authenticity of this bamboo inscriptions by considering four issues: 1. the content of “三監(sanjian)", 2. the interpretation of the sentence “建衛叔封于康丘(Jian weishufeng yu kangqiu)", 3. the understanding of the words “侯(hou)" and “餘(yu)", 4. the using of phrase “淇衛(qiwei)" .
