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篇名 結合KANO模式及IPA法之服務品質研究
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 The Study of Service Quality Based on KANO’s Model and IPA Techniques
作者 洪振家謝昆霖
頁次 131-150
關鍵字 IPA 分析KANO 二維品質模式行動應用程式IPA TechniqueKANO’s modelAPPs
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.3966/222369612015110502007


近年來,隨著我國旅遊的開放以及國人旅遊風氣的盛行,使得我國旅遊商機 大增。不論是政府(中央、地方)或是民間企業,紛紛藉由現今民眾使用行動載 具的普及日益漸增,而推出許多旅遊或地方資訊之行動應用程式(APP)以服務 遊客。本研究欲瞭解使用者對於旅遊與地方資訊類之服務品質的重要性,藉由 KANO 二維品質模式結合IPA 分析以及兩階段的問卷調查,來列出旅遊與地方資 訊類行動應用程式的服務品質之重要性,以提供旅遊與地方資訊類行動應用程式 之開發專家相關意見及參考。


In recent years, traveling revenue at Taiwan had shown a steady growth since Taiwan domestic tourism culture being prevailed and the foreign tourism limit being opened. As for government units and the civil organizations, there are many travel & local APPs to be developed to provide the suitable services under the condition for usage of mobile devices and the mature of network infrastructure. In this study, we would like to obtain the importance of service quality about those APPs. And, the KANO’s model and IPA techniques will be incorporated into two questionnaire phases and the importance of service quality about APPs can be obtained. They can be viewed as the useful references and can be provided to those professional designers to develop the suitable APPs.
