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篇名 《點石齋畫報》求雨風俗考論
卷期 19
並列篇名 Textual Research on Rain-praying Customs in Dianshizhai Pictorial
作者 李道和
頁次 025-076
關鍵字 《點石齋畫報》求雨物候人工降雨民俗歷史Dianshizhai PictorialRain-PrayingPhenologyArtificial RainfallFolklore History
出刊日期 201512




Dianshizhai Pictorial, a magazine issued in the late Qing dynasty, with beautiful pictures and letters, has a unique historical value, and the rain-praying customs contained in the Pictorial also span all times and all lands,have rich contents. The behaviors and connotations related to rain-praying in the Pictorial, as well as the general situation of Chinese traditional rain-praying customs, leave us a large study space. This paper analyzes and researches the customs concerning rain-praying from the perspectives of the settings of images and phenomena, personnel roles, ancient customs, and new methods, with the expectation of further excavation on the rain-praying customs and other customs reflected in Dianshizhai Pictorial.
