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篇名 科技大學學生身心適應調查表之施測與學生困擾分析
卷期 19
並列篇名 An Analysis of the Adjustment Check List for Students from Technical Universities
作者 曹俊德
頁次 125-157
關鍵字 大學生身心適應調查表內容效度效度College Students’ Adjustment Check ListContent ValidationCriterion-Related ValidationMooney Problem Check ListStudents’ Counseling
出刊日期 201512


本研究以「大學生身心適應調查表」作為某科技大學學校輔 導學生發現問題的評量工具。「大學生身心適應調查表」包括十 個分量表:生活困擾、時間管理困擾、生涯困擾、學習困擾、家 庭困擾、人際困擾、感情困擾、情緒困擾、精神困擾、生理困擾, 共 200 題。本調查表之效度以問卷訪談及專家諮詢的方式建立 建構效度。施測對象包括大一新生及申請施測之碩士班學生,共 計3,423 人。此外,本調查表又以某科技大學新生之輔導成效作 為效度驗證的實證研究;之後又分析各院系在各方面困擾嚴重情 況有差異,發現大學生主要困擾為生涯、學習與情緒等議題。本 研究運用「大學生身心適應調查表」可作為輔導人員、導師、教 官等瞭解學生問題的有效工具。


The purpose of this study was a college students' Adjustment Check List (CSACL) for University of Science and Technology Students in Taiwan. The CSACL was consisted of ten types of problems: living problem, time management problem, career problem, learning problem, family problem, interpersonal problem, action problem, emotion problem, spirit problem, and physical problem. Two hundred of items were included. Twenty items were for each type of problems. The test-retest reliability coefficient of all subscales were between .65 and .93, with six-week interval. The internal reliability coefficient were between .63 and .86. The scale was administered by all freshmen in University of Science and Technology. It was suggested that after the norm was conducted, the CSACL should be a good measurement for school counselors and instructors to understand their students' problems.
