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篇名 我的部落你好嗎?談部落/族群與我的健康關係
卷期 63:3
並列篇名 How are You, My Tribe? The Health Relationship Among the Tribe, Ethnic Group, and the Self
作者 許俊才(Kui Kasirisir)
頁次 018-024
關鍵字 原住民轉型正義部落/族群健康indigenoustransitional justicetribal/ethnic healthMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6224/JN.63.3.18




Most papers on the status of indigenous health focus on health problems from the individual perspective in the hope that this will spread from the individual to tribal/ethnic perspectives. For most indigenous people, the ‘tribe’ is their home and this home has been affected by colonial society, which has changed tribal ethics and influenced the status of indigenous health. Similarly, there are fissures in the links between indigenous people and their tribes, their ancestry, and their land because of the loss of their land, traditional culture, and racial discrimination and prejudice. These result in an imbalance between indigenous people and their environment and have a deeply felt influence on indigenous health. Transitional justice is an approach to coping with these issues that include colonization, capitalism, relationships with production, and promoting indigenous health.

