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篇名 腦瘤手術前病人的主要照顧者之照護需求及相關因素之探討
卷期 63:3
並列篇名 Exploring the Care Needs of Primary Caregivers of Patients Awaiting Brain Tumor Surgery and Related Factors
作者 鄭玉欣劉安祥劉怡陳幸眉
頁次 031-041
關鍵字 腦瘤主要照顧者照護需求焦慮感受憂鬱狀態brain tumorprimary caregiverscare needsanxiety perceptiondepression statusMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6224/JN.63.3.31


背 景

目 的

方 法
本研究發現在主要照顧者照護需求方面,以訊息需求與健康照護服務需求二層面之需求最高。較高 的焦慮感受(r = .37, p < .01)及憂鬱狀態(r = .27, p < .05)與較高的照護需求有關,此外,病人的身 體功能狀態愈差時,主要照顧者較容易有憂鬱狀態,而「焦慮感受」為照護需求的最重要之預測因 子(R2 = 12.8%)。

結 論


Background: The prognosis of patients with brain tumor diagnoses is often uncertain. Therefore, the primary caregivers of these patients must not only adjust their lives to patient care but also often deal with patient anxiety and depression, which may significantly increase patient-care needs. Purpose: The present study explores the care needs of primary caregivers of patients awaiting brain tumor surgery and the factors that are associated with these needs. Methods: A correlational research design was used. Convenience sampling was used to recruit 80 pre-brain-tumor operation patient / caregiver pairs. Data were collected using a questionnaire survey, which included Supportive Care Needs Survey–Partners & Caregivers 45 (SCNS–P&C45) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scales (HADS). Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Results: The information-needs and healthcare-service-needs subscales earned the highest subscale scores on the SCNS–P&C45. Higher anxiety perception (r = .37, p < .01) and higher depression status (r = .27, p < .05) were significantly correlated with increased care needs. In addition, decreased patient functional status was significantly associated with increased depression in the primary caregiver. Anxiety perception was the only significant predictor of care needs that was identified (R2 = 12.8%). Conclusions: Healthcare providers should provide patient education on the disease and disease-related care information soon after a diagnosis of brain tumor in order to decrease the anxiety and depression perceptions of caregivers and to reduce the care needs of caregivers.

