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篇名 建構本土化住院病人對護理照護滿意度量表與信效度前驅檢測
卷期 63:3
並列篇名 Reliability and Validity Testing of the Taiwanese Inpatient Nursing Care Satisfaction Scale: A Pilot-Study
作者 陳小蓮曾雯琦盧美秀周繡玲陳淑賢林麗英
頁次 042-051
關鍵字 住院病人護理照護滿意度信度效度Inpatientnursing caresatisfactionreliabilityvalidityMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6224/JN.63.3.42





本量表共20題,專家效度CVI(content validity index)值.97,題項鑑別度CR(critical ratio)值為 28.61–50.25(p < .001),題項與量表總分相關係數為.68–.84(p < .001)。經探索性因素分析,將題項 刪減5題後共萃取出兩個因素,分別命名為「專業知能」及「環境控制」,各題項因素負荷量為.61– .84,量表總解釋變異量為71.40%,各構面內在一致性Cronbach’s α值為.94–.97,量表整體信度為.97。



Background: Inpatient nursing care satisfaction is an important indicator of medical care quality. However, no reliable and validated tool is currently available in Taiwan to measure the satisfaction of inpatients with nursing care. Purpose: This pilot study developed a reliable and validated scale for measuring inpatient nursing care satisfaction in Taiwan. Methods: First phase: literature review and expert focus group discussion constructs the content of the questionnaire to be used to assess inpatient nursing care satisfaction. Second phase: experts were requested to validate questionnaire content. Third phase: convenience sampling was used to recruit 766 inpatients from 6 hospitals to complete the validated questionnaire. The data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed using item analysis, construct validity, and internal consistency. The results of analysis were used to determine the reliability and validity of the developed scale. Results: The 20-item Taiwanese inpatient nursing care satisfaction scale was developed, with a CVI (content validity index) of expert validity of .97, item discrimination CR (critical ratio) of 28.61–50.25 (p < .001), and item-total correlation of .68–.84 (p < .001). Two factors, including "professional knowledge & skill" and "environmental control" were extracted by exploratory factor analysis after the deletion of 5 items, with item factor loadings ranging from .61 to .84. The factors explained 71.40% of total variance. The internal consistency of the two categories of Cronbach’s α was .94–.97 coefficient and the overall internal consistency coefficient was .97. Conclusions / Implications for Practice: This study confirms the validity of the developed Taiwanese inpatient nursing care satisfaction scale and suggests that this instrument is reliable for measuring the satisfaction of inpatients with nursing care in Taiwan.
